Design and Implementation of Digital Ethics Program

Food and Beverage

How we designed a custom AI risk framework for a company with $25B+ in revenue and 35,000+ employees.

case ethics program


As the company described it, with the advent of generative AI, “it’s not that anything is on fire, but now everyone has a flame thrower.” More specifically, because the company a) has a well-established brand and b) is intent on innovating, the company wanted to ensure its brand and the people it impacts are safe.


This company took a particularly proactive measure. While some organizations opt for a regulatory and legal compliance program, and others opt for an AI ethical risk/Responsible AI program (which exceeds the legal compliance program), this company opted for a Digital Ethics Program. Like the other programs, it is enterprise wide. Unlike the other programs it covers not only ethical and legal standards as they pertain to AI, but also other technologies including blockchain, augmented/virtual reality, and even quantum computers. Put generally, the digital ethics program is flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen applications of current and future technologies.


This organization came to us with a recently established AI Ethics and Data Committee. The committee was charged with determining how best to protect the brand and to do the right thing when it comes to digital technologies. Beginning with an in-depth AI ethics assessment, Virtue took the reins in designing their digital ethics statement, their digital ethics framework (including policies, procedures, metrics, and more), and learning and development programs (both department/role-agnostic and department/role-specific). As of April 2024, Virtue is designing their Digital Ethics Implementation Playbook, ensuring that enterprise-wide policies and procedures are customized to existing department metrics and role workflows.